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GUS STEVENSONEMPLOYMENT 2012-present, Operations Manager, Wicked Pixel Cinema -involved in almost every aspect of the company's day-to-day operations, including managing the online webstore and taking part in marketing ventures. 2004-2012, Chief Operations Associate, Wicked Pixel Cinema -in charge of various graphic and web design projects 2000-2001, Graphics Editor - The Montage, SLCC Student Newspaper -commissioned to draw illustrations and comic strips EDUCATION 2001-2003, Fontbonne University, Fine Art Major, BFA, December 2003 1999-2001, St. Louis Community College - Meramec 1995-1999, St. John the Baptist High School SKILLS Experience using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and InDesign Experience using Microsoft Office programs, such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint Experience in pen and ink cartooning and illustration Trained in various drawing and oil painting techniques Experience in video production and editing, web design, and graphic design Several years of customer service and promotional experience COMMISSIONS 2015, DVD cover and menu artwork for Wicked Pixel Cinema release "Deadwood Park". 2014, DVD cover and menu artwork for Wicked Pixel Cinema release "Scrapbook". 2011, DVD cover and menu artwork for Wicked Pixel Cinema release "Ratline". 2006, Publicity artwork for Lew Temple of The Devil's Rejects. 2006, Publicity artwork for Penelope Sudrow of Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3. 2006, Designed poster art for "Hey Clip" music video. 2006, Designed banner artwork for Caroline Williams, star of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2. 2005, Publicity photo alteration and retouching work for Kate Norby of The Devil's Rejects. 1999-2001, Produced numerous comics and illustrations for The Meramec Montage Newspaper. EXHIBITIONS 2003, Fontbonne University, Graduation Thesis Show 2001, St. Louis Community College - Meramec, Student Show - Awarded Honorable Mention VIEW PORTFOLIO |
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